We buy Art collections, Paintings & More
Everyone knows that an antique painting is a precious artifact and can have huge value whether signed or not. Paintings belonging to a particular period or from artists such as Van Gogh or Rembrandt are highly prized for their beauty and value.
If you have a painting or painting collection and want to sell it or are wondering what is my painting worth, contact us right away. We will buy your art. Some paintings can have a hidden value . That’s why you should be cautious when selling an antique painting.
Thinking about selling your Art Collection… Contact us right away
When you try selling an antique painting, the first obstacle that you will come across is finding genuine buyers. It is indeed a struggle to find people who truly appreciate such art pieces. If you are in hurry to sell please call or email us with photo’s. We at Sarasota Antique Buyers, will quickly value and purchase it from you. We are experts in judging fine works of art.
There are a lot of factors that we consider before putting a price on the painting:
1. Artist who has produced the work
2. Age of the painting
3. Condition of the painting
4. Country where it was produced
As you can see there are many factors that must be considered before a valuation can be given, we buy all types of antique paintings or fine art collections such as Mid Century Modern, Impressionist Water Colors, Oils, Prints, Lithographs, landscapes, Continental, Maritime and much more.