Category Archives: antique bronze

Where Can I Find an Antique Bronze Dealer Near Me?

When you are going through old china cabinets or the estate of a relative, you may come across some valuable antiques, maybe even some bronze antiques. Before you toss them away or donate them, you should take a step back and understand that those antique bronzes could potentially be worth a lot. Depending on the […]

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Where Can i Sell My Bronze Sculptures Online

Antique and modern bronzes are both very valuable assets and decorations for a home. Whether you have antiques or modern bronzes, either one is a great piece or collection to have as a part of how you throw dinner parties, what serving utensils you use during the holidays, or even the decorations that turn your […]

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Bronze Figure Sculptures – What to Know Before You Buy

Bronze figure sculptures are a beautiful addition to your fine art collection. Bronze sculptures have long been recognized by collectors as the gold standard for durable fine art, especially when it comes to pieces that have survived through the centuries. However, bronze sculpture buyers would be well-advised to consider a few more things before taking […]

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How is A Sculpture Crafted from Bronze?

Bronze is a very common medium for artists who enjoy sculpture. Yet, as you can probably imagine, bronze is too hard for artists to work with on a consistent basis. The bronze sculpture process is a highly-detailed process involving several steps. While bronze sculpture buyers may be familiar with this process, most people have no […]

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