Many Florida homes feature Chinese antique silver pieces for the right reasons. These can indeed be a quaint and ornate addition to any atmosphere. As you can imagine this genre has a rich history, which could help you identify genuine items when you see them. Westerners started travelling to China as tourists for the first […]
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If you’ve recently purchased or inherited some antique silver, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth anything. The good news is that you have pieces that will look great even if they are tarnished now, no matter what type of silver you have. The bad news is that these pieces might not be worth as much […]
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Sterling silver dinnerware has a rich and illustrious history, and sterling silver flatware is essential to any antique sterling silver set. In addition to their functional use at the dinner table, sterling silver flatware pieces are highly prized collectibles that can hold significant value. Often, families pass down sterling silver flatware sets from generation to […]
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Sterling silver julep cups are generally associated with the Kentucky Derby. It represents good times and exciting horse races. The long History of the Derby is that these cups are usually filled with a mint julep, a mixture of bourbon, mint, sugar, and ice. Silver julep cups mean much more than just their association with […]
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Do you have antiques laying around your house that you don’t need anymore? How about some ideas for unique and unforgettable gifts this year? It’s time that you considered checking out some antiques or, the holiday season is a great time to sell the antiques that you don’t use. People are searching for the perfect […]
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Sterling silver dinnerware has a prestigious history, and sterling silver bowls are among the most frequently used items in a set. In addition to their practical use at the dinner table, the shape and beauty of sterling silver bowls make them excellent decorative objects. Their natural luster and shine, combined with their elegant design, make […]
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Silver is the most sought-after and oldest precious metal in history. Its invention was done around 3000 B.C., but there are no records of who discovered it. The name silver was derived from the Anglo-Saxon name ‘siolfur.’ No one knew, this sparking silver metal would make a huge impact by being helpful for mankind in […]
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What are Silver Markings and How Do You Read Silver Hallmarks? Silver markings are stamped or engraved markings on silver objects that provide information about the quality, authenticity, and origin of the silver. These markings are also known as silver hallmarks and are a way to verify the purity of silver and ensure that the […]
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Gorham Silver Co. is one of the largest American manufacturers of sterling and silverplate. It’s long history and beautiful pieces make it one of the most well-known manufacturers in the entire world. It’s resume of historic commissions and recognition in notable events around the world are as interesting as they are impressive. Gorham’s Start Jabez […]
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What is the Christofle Silver? Silver plating was a revolutionary innovation that was both developed and perfected by Christofle company founder C. Christofle. With silver plating, it suddenly became possible to democratize the trade of silversmithing in order to make beautiful silver pieces more affordable for customers. With silver plating, customers who had previously coveted […]
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If you’ve got a set of silver lying around, you might have noticed that it’s starting to look a little less than gorgeous. That means it’s time to polish it. But do you really want to use a silver polisher that potentially includes harmful chemicals? You’re going to be eating with these utensils, after all, […]
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If you’ve just inherited your Great Aunt’s collection or are ready to let go of your own, you may be wondering how to make money from antique silver. Regardless of how you acquired it, you’ll want to learn all you can about the antique silver market, like when the best time to sell your wares, […]
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Sterling silver tea sets have become synonymous with great occasions and tasty drinks. Sterling silver tea sets are a valuable addition to any home and they are best for serving fantastic drinks, like delicious hot tea, on special occasions. Sterling silver tea sets vary in size and shape, and they come in a lot of […]
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Sterling silver trays have a long beautiful history, often associated with tradition and classic elegance, class and beauty. Over the years, they have become the perfect gift at important ceremonial events such as weddings, christenings, and graduations, and they have found a special place in the homes of millions of people, whether it was an […]
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